Money & Mission in 3-D (part 2 of 3)

I can’t just pull up to the McDonald’s drive-thru window and expect to be handed a 10-piece McNugget meal with a Sprite because I’m handsome; I have to hand the cashier money before I get my value meal. But I’ll tell you this, once I’ve handed that money over, I’m not leaving the drive-thru without my food!

That may be an oversimplified illustration when talking about churches giving to their local Baptist network. The correlation between dollars given and deliverables received may not always be as clear or immediate as the exchange that takes place at a cash register. After all, when your church gives money to Cleveland Hope you’re not making a purchase, you’re maintaining a partnership. Every dollar given to Cleveland Hope is an expression of trust in our network’s leadership, purpose and vision. I do not take that trust lightly! Cleveland Hope’s dollars don’t come from nowhere; they come from your church! And your church dollars don’t come from nowhere either; they come from the allowances of kids whose parents are teaching them to tithe, from single moms working two and three part-time jobs to put food on the table, and they come from fixed-income senior adults, as well as other folks across the income spectrum.

Because every dollar is a precious expression of trust, it is entirely reasonable for churches and pastors to expect clarity about what Cleveland Hope is doing and plans to do with the support dollars received from them.


In Luke 5:4, Jesus says to a tired and frustrated Simon Peter, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Peter replies in v. 5, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” Jesus spoke directly to Simon Peter who replies saying: ‘I will let down the nets.” But in v. 6 the I becomes a they! “And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking.” Jesus’ personal request got a partnering result.

“N.E.T.S.” stands for four key values and objectives for our network. Below are a few ways Cleveland Hope can deliver on its purpose to add value to our partner churches.

Networking Churches & Resources

  • Strategic Planning - Got an idea for reaching or serving folks in your church’s neighborhood? Need some extra hands? Build community within your church and commraderie with a nearby church by either inviting them to serve with you or offering to serve with them. Reach out to Cleveland Hope, we can help you develop a neighborhood-reaching strategy and partnerships with other churches to help maximize results for the kingdom.

  • Block Party Trailer - Want to host a community outreach event at your church or a local park complete with sno-cone & popcorn machines, sound-system, pop-up tents, coolers, and even an inflatable movie screen & digital projector? Visit to learn about this resource and reserve the trailer for your date.

  • Resource Lending Library - Did you know Cleveland Hope maintains a library of books, Bible study materials in print, audio, and video formats for individual, small group, or church-wide use? Contact for a current list of resources! Want a resource that’s not currently in our library? If you’re willing to return the leader kit to Cleveland Hope when you’re done so other churches can use it, we’ll buy it and have it shipped it to your church. (Note: requested resources are subject to review and approval by Cleveland Hope leadership.)

Encouraging Pastors

  • Ministry Wives Network - Whether you are a pastor or church planter, if you’re married, there are ladies who want to engage and encourage your wife! Have her reach out to Jasmine Wilson (, Deborah Avery (, Kathy Loseto (, or Beth Losteo ( Don’t miss an opportunity for your closest ministry partner to find spiritual support from other ladies in ministry!

  • Pastor Fellowships - Feelings of invisibility and isolation in ministry are real, but so is your opportunity to combat them with Cleveland Hope’s regular Pastor/Planter fellowships. Watch our Facebook group page and your email for details about our next morning and/or evening pastor/planter meet-up!

  • Pastor Encourager Team - What a blessing it would be to have a team of pastor-leaders willing to make time in their schedules to reach out and encourage other pastors in their geographic zones of greater Cleveland. Good news: We have just such a team at Cleveland Hope! You can learn more about our zone encouragers by visiting the “N.E.T.S. Encourager Team” page on our website. Have an urgent prayer need? Need some counsel on a big decision? Get in touch with an Encourager today!

Training Leaders

  • Theological Training - In our day and time a pastor’s need for in-depth biblical and theological training has never been greater. Cleveland Hope considers it a wise investment to assist our leaders when possible in obtaining rigorous and relevant ministry education from approved institutions. Our network provided nearly $3,000 in scholarships in 2019. (All scholarship requests are subject to approval by Cleveland Hope’s Executive Leadership Team.)

  • State, Regional & National Training Events - Every ministry leader needs occasional re-tooling and sharpening. It’s an honor to help our leaders get the training they need for more effective ministry. Has it been a while since you attended a training conference? Based on available funds and need, Cleveland Hope can usually provide some type of assistance. Our State Convention of Baptists in Ohio provide a range of high-quality low-cost trainings for ministry leaders right here in the Buckeye state.

  • VBS Training - Send your Vacation Bible School team members to a Cleveland Hope-hosted VBS training event. Get your volunteers ready for VBS together AND get a discount on VBS materials AND help Cleveland Hope get a cash incentive for hosting the event! Upcoming VBS Training event at Park Heights Baptist in Brook Park, Saturday morning, April 25. Mark your calendars and email Kathy Loseto with how many from your church are attending (

Sending Teams

  • Teams of Churches - Few things build gospel synergy like two or more churches partnering for a specific mission endeavor. Whether it’s a new church plant in an under-reached part of Cleveland or a short-term trip to engage an unreached people group on another continent, Cleveland Hope wants to invest in joint gospel ventures between churches!

  • Church Teams - Taking a group from your church to do gospel ministry in another part of greater Cleveland, Ohio, the U.S. or the world? Depending on the size of your team and estimated costs per-person, support funds may be available from Cleveland Hope to offset or supplement some of your team costs.

Again, these are just a few opportunities and ideas. You may have others; I’d like to hear them!

You’ll probably get tired of hearing me talk about NETS, but I really can’t think of a better image to capture the potential Cleveland Hope’s churches have for collaborative interdependence as we make Jesus known together. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Cleveland Hope. Visit our Contact page to set up a visit today! I’m here to serve you, to listen, and to dream together with you about partnering in the gospel!

~Darin Avery

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